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Complaints Policy and Procedure

Dealing With It


In the S.S.A we deal with complantes in 5 stages:


  • Stage 1 - Informal Complaintes

  • Stage 2 - Formal Complaines

  • Stage 3 - Investigation into the complaintes

  • Stage 4 - Discusion with all parties involved about investigation

  • Stage 5 - Apropriate action taken to resolve situation quickliy and fiarly for all parties involved


Aims and objectives


The S.S.A are committed to providing a comprehensive and high quality range of services to the online community and other crews/clans. We endeavour to ensure that these services are delivered in line with our mission statement; meet the needs of the online community and our service level agreements. In delivering these services we aim to treat anyone who accesses our services with dignity and respect.


As with any service we will not always get things right. We are only human and we all make mistakes, misunderstandings arise, or we may fail to provide what was promised by us.


We hope that in the majority of cases such issues can be resolved there and then or a simple apology or explanation will suffice. Occasionally this is not the case and the complaints policy and procedure should be referred to.


There are three main reasons we have a Complaints Policy and Procedure.


  1. The S.S.A believes it is only right that anyone who accesses our services has the opportunity to complain if they feel let down and for that complaint to be heard and investigated. We also allow an appeal procedure to be accessed should the complainant not be satisfied with the outcome of an investigated complaint.

  2. As part of our Service Level Agreement we are required to operate a complaints procedure. 

  3. The S.S.A welcomes complaints as they are one of many ways by which problems with a service may be identified and lead to improvements.


For the purposes of this document, the following two definitions are provided as examples:


“An expression of dissatisfaction, either written or spoken. A complaint may be made by an individual or a group. You may wish to complain if you are not satisfied with the way you have been treated or the service you have received...’

(National Mind 2009)


Or more simply;


“Any expression of dissatisfaction that needs a response.”

(Cabinet Office 1998)




This policy applies to anyone accessing or providieing our services, and is to be considered as a procedure by members of the crew/clan in the event of anyone making a complaint (whether informal or formal).


The Procedure


The Public Complaints Policy and Procedure is primarily aimed at any member of the online community or mebers of the S.S.A who have had, or have attempted to receive services from the S.S.A. In practice, how this is then dealt with depends on the nature of the complainant.


In some cases a person may wish to complain on behalf of someone else. This is known as by a third party. Careful consideration will be given in these cases to ascertain that the person who does wish to complain or that there is a level of cognitive deficiency that makes the person unable to make this judgement. Consideration will also be given to issues of confidentiality. In some cases the S.S.A may wish to invite the opinion of an other members or crew leaders to advise on this matter. In all cases of third party complaints, the S.S.A may choose not to accept them as valid.


Informal Complaints


It is anticipated that the majority of complaints can be addressed in an informal manner. Any member may be able to respond to straightforward or simple complaints, while more specific or detailed complaints may be better addressed by the relevant high ranking member of the S.S.A. Informal complaints can largely be made verbally and with an immediate response. However, this does not preclude the person placing this in writing, or the response being made after time to consider it has elapsed. Unless there is good reason, all informal complaints should be responded to within 10 working days.


Formal Complaint


Any complaint that cannot be resolved informally can be addressed by a formal investigation if the complainant wishes to pursue this route. The process of the formal complaint should be completed within 15 working days unless there is good reason for the delay.


Time Limits


In circumstances where time limits cannot be met due to unforeseen circumstances, complainants will be notified in writing. The reasons for the delay with adjusted timescales will be supplied by the person responsible for handling the complaint.


Recording and Monitoring Complaints


Each officer within the S.S.A will be responsible for ensuring a record of all complaints relevant to their services is maintained in a format agreed by the Crew leader. These will be reviewed as part of the policy cycle on an ongoing basis. The Crew leader will be responsible for collating information about complaints and furnishing the hHigh Command on an annual basis with details of the totality of complaints received, main reasons for complaints, outcomes and how any underlying problems have been resolved.

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